Children with learning disorders may experience more difficulty in school. These children are more likely to repeat a grade or drop out. Learning disorders may be misunderstood as behavioral issues which can lead to suspension. This can negatively impact self-esteem and interfere with academic and professional success. So, what is a learning disorder? How can you detect them before they cause problems? Read this guide to learn about five signs that indicate your child may have a learning disorder.

What is a Learning Disorder?

A learning disorder indicates that your child has difficulty in an area of learning. These children have average or above-average intelligence. Yet, their academic performance often fails to meet the expectations for their age level. Children can have a specific learning disorder that interferes with reading, writing, or math. There is a non-verbal learning disorder that impacts social abilities. In addition, learning disorders that interfere with attention. Learning processing disorders affect cognitive functioning necessary for all areas of learning. Thankfully, they all share signs that indicate learning disorders.

1. Reading

Children with learning disorders have difficulty reading. Lowered reading performance might look like reading at a slow pace and having trouble spelling and sounding out words. Additionally, children might struggle to understand or recall what they read. Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that impacts reading.

2. Writing

Kids that have trouble reading may also have trouble with writing. They may need a lot of time for handwriting, which can appear messy. They may have incorrect spelling or grammar. Children will struggle to translate thoughts into written words. Another sign that is often displayed through writing is low coordination and weak motor skills.

3. Math

Math problems include straining to understand the value of numbers or symbols. Additionally, an inability to count or complete basic math functions. There are some great number activities for pre school available online that you can use to test your child’s abilities. Children may be unable to apply math to real-world scenarios, such as using numbers to tell the time or counting money.

4. Attention

Many learning disorders often interfere with children’s attention spans. These children often have trouble staying organized or completing tasks on time. In the classroom, they lack focus and are unable to understand and follow directions.

5. Social Skills

Learning disorders sometimes interfere with children’s social skills. They may show skill in writing, reading, and math. Yet, they interact with their peers in inappropriate ways. They can’t accurately read facial expressions or identify nonverbal cues. Children are often unsuccessful in engaging in play behavior or developing friendships.

Proactive Treatment Options

If you begin to notice these signs in your children, make an appointment with a pediatrician. They’ll be able to perform tests and provide an accurate diagnosis of a learning disorder. The diagnosis will offer direction for treatment plans. Doctors may recommend medication, therapy, or lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise. Certain learning disabilities meet eligibility for individualized education plans. These plans offer classroom accommodations to provide extra support for children. Help exists outside of the classroom, too. Online tutoring platforms, such as Edbee, may offer the most support for your child. Professional tutors are knowledgeable about learning techniques. These help children navigate their learning disorders to succeed academically.

Learning about Learning Disorders

What is a learning disorder? The basic definition is a problem that interferes with a child’s ability to learn. Many learning disorders will vary in symptoms as well as the area of learning that is affected. That’s why this list is by no means conclusive of the signs that show learning disorders. So, if you’re child is diagnosed, it will be helpful to continue to educate yourself on their specific learning disorder. For more information on trending topics related to childhood education, check out the rest of our site!

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