You may make a bit of money if you advertise right, but you’ll ultimately go under after whatever you’re pushing falls out of style. To help you strategize your next move, here are a list of some niches that should remain popular throughout 2021. Choosing individual products within and segmenting audiences further can maximize your return on investment and lead to even greater success.

Top-Selling Niches to Watch For in 2021

Home Workout Equipment

Resistance bands and acupuncture mats are cited by Oberlo as two of the winning niches to start selling this year. Both have gained popularity in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic thanks to more people working at home and gyms being closed or simply avoided. You can start selling these products and similar ones online and easily market them with content like workout infographics, videos and related content. They’re great for beginners, so there are plenty of keywords you can use to optimize your site’s SEO and drive organic traffic. A pro tip is to review a Shopify SEO guide & common errors to learn about how to make your store rank higher in search engines. Running a store online has unique challenges and requirements that this guide can help you tackle head-on.


Print-on-demand stickers and laptop skins will become even more popular throughout the year, and you have a chance to score big if you market interesting designs to a niche audience. Think med school students, college kids or those who like to cook. Exploring what aesthetic trends are gaining search volume in a particular geographic location could help you home in on design concepts and start turning over a profit quickly. A tip is to pay for a program like Canva Premium to gain access to thousands of free design resources that you can use for your stickers. No previous graphic design experience required.

Baby Clothes

There will never not be a need for affordable, cute baby clothing. With so much time indoors, more conceived in 2020, so there are expected to be plenty of new arrivals throughout 2021. Take advantage of this by opening your own baby clothes store. You can also add some other products that suit your audience, like fashionable diaper bags or organic diapers. Also check: Affiliate Marketing vs Clients SEO: Which One is Most Profitable?

DIY Beauty Products

As salons and spas continue to run at reduced capacity, many are taking their beauty routines into their own hands. This means you’ll have a variety of products to market, including laser hair removal, pore strips, teeth whitening kits and so on. Anything that simplifies the beauty process and makes it easier for people to look great from home will be able to be sold easily.

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