This is where future-proofing comes in. The term describes the process of updating a property to stay current despite the continual turnout of new tech; rather than focusing on what’s in and out at a given time, future-proofing emphasizes the investment of home technology that alters the way people live with long-term benefits. These product recommendations will help you choose the right home technology for your house. In addition to improving the way you live now, these inventions can also help you age in place and improve your overall quality of living for decades.

1. A Home Elevator

The previous notion of home elevators being exclusively for mansions is over. Now, you can install one in almost any size home to provide a safer, more convenient experience. For those with disabilities or health conditions that limit their range of motion, elevators provide a safer and more aesthetically appealing alternative to regular stairlifts. They are also sleeker and more versatile, capable of being just as effective for able-bodied individuals with routine housework. If you’re interested in improving your home, check out the sublime home elevators by Stiltz.

2. Energy-Efficient Home Appliances

Anything that saves energy also saves you money, so these products are a win-win. The most affordable innovation is a smart thermostat like Nest. This device adjusts its operations to suit your lifestyle and preferences; it can also be paired with upgrades to your HVAC system that gives you greater control over the temperature in individual rooms and cycles of your heater and air conditioner. Replacing old bathroom and kitchen appliances with low flow, water-conserving models is another step toward future-proofing your home. Rather than adding a suite of eye-catching but ordinary features, technological advancement should be rooted in better engineering. By investing in even just a water-saving showerhead, you can lower your utility bills while helping the environment.

3. Eco-Friendly Design

Install solar panels on your roof, and look for contractors who use recycled materials when you do any home renovations. In Hawaii, all new homes are required to use solar-powered water heaters. Rely as little on the grid as possible, which not only helps improve your home’s preparedness in the event of electrical outages but also lowers your living expenses and reduces your carbon footprint.

4. Wireless Devices

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