However, it’s not only high-risk working environments that would benefit from a first aid trained employee. It is within your best interest to have first aid trained employees no matter where you work. So, here is an insight into the importance of first aid training and how to become first aid qualified.

The importance of first aid training 

According to The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, you must provide adequate and appropriate first aid coverage in your workplace. Ultimately, this is a vague guideline. How many first aiders you should have in your workplace is determined by the number of people that work for you and the risks associated with your specific workplace. Firstly, you need to determine the risk level of the place you work. If you work in a low-risk setting like a library or an office, you will need fewer first aiders than that of a construction site. However, covering yourself by placing first aid signs such as these around your workplace will help to promote a safer environment. Secondly, work out how many first aiders you need for the size of the workforce. For example, if a low-risk workplace has less than 25 employees, you legally only need 1 first aider. Thirdly, you need to cover yourself if your first aid trained employee is absent. Whether they go on annual leave or are off sick – you need someone to cover whilst they’re not there. So, it could be in your best interest to train another employee. Ultimately, you can never have too many first aids trained employees in your business. Also read: Tips on Improving Workplace Mental Health for Startups

How to become first aid trained

To become first aid trained in the workplace you must undertake the relevant qualifications. Whether this gets funded through your employer or a course you wish to pay for yourself, you must choose a reliable company to ensure you’re getting the correct training. If this is your first aid qualification, the First Aid at Work Level 2 is the best choice. It is a 3-day course that trains you in assessing and dealing with an emergency in the workplace. If you want to be a nominated first aider in your workplace, this qualification is a minimum requirement. What’s more, your qualification is valid for 3 years, making it a great long-term investment for you and your business.

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