1. To Remove Excess Heat

The grow lights in your indoor garden generate heat when they are in operation. The heat generated may not be a lot but with time, the temperature within the grow room will rise to a harmful level. Plants have specific temperature requirements and if your grow tent is not properly ventilated, the indoor temperature will get to an unfavorable level and the quality of the crop will deteriorate as a result. Some grow lights produce more heat than others, but they all emit enough heat to warrant ventilation.

2. To Control Humidity

When plants transpire, they produce water vapor that contributes to the humidity of the grow room. Without proper ventilation, the humidity within the grow room will get to unfavorable levels and this will create a poor growing condition for the plants. Uncontrolled humidity supports the development of pests and diseases and the plants in your indoor garden will get damaged as a result. A proper ventilation mechanism wicks away the moisture generated during transpiration to create a good growing condition for the plants. It allows the plants to absorb moisture through the roots and in turn, pull up vital nutrients that are needed for healthy growth.

3. To Control Pests and Diseases

Proper air circulation within the grow room prevents the accumulation of pests and diseases. Pests like spider mites and crop diseases like powdery mildew thrive in humid and stagnant conditions but you can combat all this through proper ventilation as the steady breeze of a good ventilation system makes it hard for the pests to establish themselves on the plants in your garden.

4. To Control Carbon Dioxide

Plants need carbon dioxide to produce food. Poorly ventilated grow rooms have a limited supply of this gas and this affects the ability of the plants to make food. Ventilation introduces enough air into the grow rooms and this ensures that the plants have enough carbon dioxide for growth. It also removes stale air from the grow rooms to create the perfect condition for plant growth.

5. To Strengthen the Plants

Ventilation also helps in strengthening the plant stems. The gentle breeze makes the stem firmer and this will ensure that the plant doesn’t break when bearing fruits. Outdoor plants are buffeted by wind which helps them become strong and proper ventilation will help you achieve the same effect with your indoor plants.

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