This could be administered to young children by an educational establishment (looking at whether a child might have learning disabilities or cognitive function issues), or as part of the hiring process for a specific job role. Some hiring managers might want to ensure they are considering the right candidates before a face-to-face interview. The Stanford-Binet IQ test assesses different skills, from numerical reasoning to verbal and spatial awareness.

What Is the Stanford-Binet IQ Test?

The Stanford-Binet test was first launched in 1916 as the successor to the Binet-Simon examination formed in 1905 (the first IQ test used to distinguish a person’s intelligence). It was designed to assess a child’s intellect and cognitive function. Sometimes it was even used in the medical field to test for neurological disorders, for example, if a person had suffered a trauma or might have a neurological disorder. Sometimes this type of test is used for children attending a private school or a specially gifted school. Each test is divided into 10 subtests, which we’ll examine in more detail later in this article. Once completed, each test is compared against the national average score.

What Is It Used For?

The Stanford-Binet IQ test is used for several reasons. It is mainly used to gauge the cognitive function and overall intelligence of younger people. It can help parents and educators gain an understanding of how the child is developing and what skills they might be lacking for their age group. The test can also measure certain skills in adults, especially if they are applying for a role that demands those skills. If you are wondering about possible gaps in your education and in what areas you might need to gain more skills, the test may help. It can provide the candidate with an opportunity to understand how their weaknesses might play a vital role in their everyday life that they might not have realized before. You may want to take the Stanford-Binet test as part of your career journey or just to get an idea of your own intelligence for self-improvement and further knowledge of your skillset. If you want to take it for your personal reference, contact a psychologist or educational institute. There are also practice tests you can take online. The full version of the exam needs to be administered by a professional. Some schools and clinics might also be able to help you take the test.

What Is Included in the Test?

The test looks into five different cognitive functions and ten subsections. You can expect to see both verbal and non-verbal questions. The test can take anywhere from 45 minutes to three hours. This is dependent on the individual completing the assessment. Some people might have more subtests than others. This could be because they are older or just because further assessment is needed. The five areas mentioned below will be measured in different ways. For example, the quantitative reasoning test will look at both verbal and non-verbal numerical patterns, and the memory segment looks at memory lapses and responses. The reason that these subtests were initiated in the first place is due to educational regulations changing in the early 1900s. The test has been altered a few times since its inception. The five different measures are:


This will probably be the child’s first memory test, and measures their short-term memory. They might be asked to remember a picture they have just been shown, and their response may be timed. It will also show whether extra work is needed to help the person retain information.


This is a test of general knowledge, and tests both memory and the knowledge they have picked up over the years. The candidate is presented with scenarios that they will need to discuss. This part of the exam also evaluates areas such as vocabulary, knowledge of procedures and image variations.

Quantitative Reasoning

This is designed to examine someone’s number skills. Each section of the test can include the basics of addition, subtraction and more. For higher-level examinations, you might be measured on your geometry too.

Visual-Spatial Processing

For visual-spatial processing, you will be asked to recognize patterns and relationships between puzzles. It is a non-verbal section of the complete Stanford-Binet examination that will measure the person’s visual skills and memory.

Fluid Reasoning

In this section, the person taking the test will need to solve a problem without any previous knowledge of learned information. The person being assessed might see a series of objects or patterns and be asked to complete the pattern based on what they have seen.

What Score Do You Need to Pass?

The pass score depends on the candidate, for example, their age. Older people may need to achieve a higher score.

What Is the Average Score of the Stanford-Binet Test?

According to statistics, the average score for the Stanford-Binet test is 100. Here are the following scores you might expect to see at the end of an exam and what they mean regarding a person’s intelligence.

145–160+ – Highly gifted 130–144 – Moderately gifted 120–129 – High achiever 110–119 – High average 90–109 – Average 80–89 – Low average 70–79 – Borderline impaired or delayed 55–69 – Mildly impaired or delayed 40–54 – Delayed or moderately impaired

These scores will be compared to other tests taken within the individuals’ age group, and helps to determine averages for different ages. The test has been studied by researchers and is considered a reliable source of information. The most recent iteration of the test has proven to be highly precise.

How to Practice for the Stanford-Binet Test

How you practice for the examination can depend on how and why you are taking the test to begin with. For example, younger candidates at school level might not have the option to prep for the test beforehand as they are being assessed on their intelligence at that age. However, if you are a parent whose child is taking the test, there are a few ways you might be able to get them ready, especially if you know they are about to take the exam. This will ensure that they are well rested and mentally prepared for the day. If they are tired, it might not help them to sit still for a long period of time, and they might also get anxious. When taking practice tests online, do it at a time when you feel relaxed, to help you get the most out of your practice session and give you confidence for the day. You might also want to investigate the test further and do the questions in a different order, as the test will probably not be formatted in the same way as the practice tests.

Final Thoughts

If you have decided that you want to take the Stanford-Binet test yourself or you want to arrange an examination for your child, there is nothing to worry about. It is a straightforward assessment that is administered by educational professionals and neurological doctors. Just contact your local authority or check online to see where you, or your child, can take the test locally. The main aim of the test is to assess an individual’s cognitive functions and overall intelligence. The scores for the test, as mentioned above, are quite straightforward to understand. If you are unsure about what the results mean, please contact a professional or the person who administered the test. And as for prep? Well, the tools and tricks suggested in this article should help you or your child be fully prepared for the test.