It may seem difficult to set yourself apart in the sea of lawyers trying to attract the same clients. The good news is that there are ways to make yourself stand out. You can make people want to call you instead of the other lawyers in your area. When you learn online marketing for law firms, you’ll be head and shoulders above many of your competitors. Instead of worrying about the best way to get ahead using law firm online marketing, let us help you get the edge. Continue reading this article to learn more about digital marketing for law firms to get more leads and grow your firm.

Tips: How To Promote Law Firms Using Digital Marketing Right Way?

There are plenty of other lawyers out there. The reason they are going to choose you isn’t because of a catchy slogan. The reason people are going to choose you is that you’ve worked hard to create a personal brand people can trust. It’s likely the law firm is focusing on branding, but many people forget about branding the person. People trust people more than they trust brands. You should show people your human side, so they can begin to build a relationship with you—even if it is from a distance. If there are multiple lawyers at your practice, it is even more important to focus on personal brand. When potential new clients go to your firm’s about page, they are going to look at each of the faces and names there and do their own research. Make sure any information you have online is something good. If there are things you don’t want people to see on your Facebook page, then you should keep it set to private because people are definitely going to look. Having a personal brand has to be your goal as most of the professionals out there have in common.  So, Direct your law firm online marketing efforts towards creating brand value as company level and personal level, which means focus to promote the expertise of the team players your firm has. If you’ve ever wished that you could get more people that need your services calling your firm—you’re in luck. With the latest advancements in technology, it is now possible for someone to click on a single phone number on a website and get a redirect to an attorney in their area that can help them. This is great for the potential new client, and it’s great for you as a lawyer. Many people don’t want to fill out a form and wait for people to get back to them. Instead, they want to know they are calling a professional and get their call fielded right away. The technology for live calls has come a long way, and now you can use it to grow your legal practice. It’s always best to learn more about a new strategy, so you can determine how you’re going to get the best results.

Yes, you’re going to put out a pretty penny for every website click that you get, but these types of leads are actively looking for your services. If they take the time to input their information, that means they are serious about getting help. When you use Google paid search, you get the opportunity to speak with more people that are looking for your services now. The more people you speak to that have an immediate need, the more clients you can close. Make sure you understand exactly what your potential clients are searching for. When you know this, you’ll be able to target them more effectively. As you likely know, when you create a pay per click campaign, you get to set up keywords and lists of keywords to target. Make sure your keywords line up with the keywords that are on the landing pages you’re promoting. If your landing page isn’t super-targeted, you’ll end up paying more money per click because you have a low-quality score. If your quality score is very bad, your ads are likely to be removed. Video is a powerful medium. If you’re not using video marketing, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful marketing strategies for your legal practice. People search for help videos on YouTube all of the time. While you won’t be able to put all of your legal advice on the platform, you can use video to showcase your knowledge. People will often come to YouTube for self-help and end up calling a professional because of its complexity or their lack of time to take care of the matter. Many times search engines like YouTube will rank videos higher than websites because they are offering a direct and easy to consume resource. Besides putting help videos on YouTube, you can also put people at ease with contacting you by putting a video on your website’s home page. It can be a simple introduction, or you might give them some advice for navigating your site, signing up for your email list, or contacting you. Make sure you just pick one call to action with each video. You’ve likely heard it time and time again that you should develop your website content. You’ve heard that you need to have informative articles, how-to articles, and other content resources on your website to attract potential new clients. Even though you know you need to do this, you’ve still pumped the breaks on the matter. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed thinking about the volume of content you need to create. Instead, think about the next high-quality piece of content you can put together for your website. Providing quality through content has to be part of your law firm online marketing campaign. It’s better to have high-quality content for your website vs. a lot of smaller pieces that might not be as helpful for would-be clients. Tailor your content to your area of practice for maximum impact, such as this law firm’s advice on staying safe while traveling.

Once you’ve created an amazing piece of content you know is going to help a lot of people, you need to promote it. There’s really no use taking time to create content if no one is going to see it. Content marketing for law firms is a whole different game. A couple of the things you can do to promote your content are things like sharing it on your LinkedIn profile or linking to it from another short article you put on LinkedIn. Making sure to list your website in your email signature, on your business cards, on various website directories, and anywhere else you’re used to seeing website addresses will help you get a good start promoting your website and content once it’s finished. Keep in mind that LinkedIn isn’t the only social media network you can share your legal articles. You never know when a friend or family member might want to share your information with someone they know or even use it themselves. SEO—search engine optimization—is one of the best things you can do for your lawyer website. It can take a little while to rank since you likely have a lot of people trying to show up in the same position, but once you do rank, it’s all worth it. Ranking at the top of the search engines for a local legal term can bring in hundreds or even thousands of clients that are looking for exactly what you have to offer. Learning how to optimize your content to be search engine friendly needs to be a high priority. Keep in mind that user experience and included keywords are a couple of the big things you should pay attention to when it comes to basic SEO. If you aren’t sure how to do SEO for your firm, you might hire out the work, or you could take a course to learn how to DIY. Webinars take a little bit more time and effort on your part, but they can help you convert leads to clients. Many times, people just need a little personal interaction to feel comfortable taking the plunge. The good news is that when you do host these webinars, you can record them and put them on YouTube. This means you’ll be knocking out the hosting webinar tip as well as the making professional videos tip in one swoop.

Use Online Marketing for Law Firms to Grow Your Business

Now you know some of the most important things you need to do for your business. Understanding online marketing for law firms is essential to your firm’s growth in this digital age. With the above tips, you will be able to become the go-to person in your field. Start implementing each of these tips to get the maximum results for your firm. Indeed, law firm online marketing is not that simple, you have to be consistent with it to attain the expected results. Do you feel like you need more help with marketing and other important business topics? Continue reading through our blog to get the help you need to make your business a success.

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