Those who work as electricians are classed as having a skilled trade. They work to handle a wide range of issues relating to electrical power and wiring. To simplify the role of an electrician, they work to install, repair and maintain a variety of electrical products. This can be in residential or industrial settings; anywhere that uses electrical products.

How Much Does an Electrician Earn?

Training to become an electrician can be incredibly rewarding financially. The average salary for an electrician in the US is around $60,000 per year. Broadly speaking, there are three categories an electrician can be placed into. This will depend on their experience level and licensing status. The level of pay an electrician will receive will often depend on which category they are in:


Apprenticeships are popular with people wanting to begin a career as an electrician, but don’t want to attend college full time. An apprenticeship is a four-year programme that allows you to learn on-the-job. You work alongside skilled and experienced tradespeople to gain the skills that you will need to begin your career. Once you have completed your training, you are able to begin working as an electrician assistant. Average apprentice electrician wage: $33,000


Once you have qualified as an electrician, you will be eligible to take the journeyman assessments. This is a test that assesses the core skills and abilities needed to be an electrician. Gaining this means that you are authorized and licensed to work alone. Average journeyman electrician wage: $51,000


This is the highest level of certification possible for an electrician to achieve. By becoming a master electrician, you are able to work on the most complex projects and are able to supervise journeymen. You are also able to take on and train apprentices. Average master electrician wage: $90,000

What Are the Electrician Specializations?

Once you have completed your training, you are able to specialize. This is important, as being a specialized electrician can mean that you have the potential to earn more money. It also means that you may have less competition with other electricians, as you won’t necessarily specialize in the same area.


This is the most common form of electrician specialization. Residential electricians work to install and maintain all aspects of electricals that can be found within a residential setting, such as lighting systems, integrated alarms and updated wiring systems.


A commercial electrician works within larger, commercial projects, such as shop premises and malls. This type of specialist will have more technical knowledge, compared to those in a residential setting, and will be required to complete a designated number of apprentice hours before they can qualify.


An industrial electrician will be specially trained to work in large industrial plants, such as power plants and manufacturing facilities. They will be trained to work with heavy machinery and equipment to maintain the electrical components that make the plants run smoothly. They will often work in a variety of locations, so they are usually certified as experienced industrial electricians.


In large factories and plants, a maintenance electrician will be responsible for ensuring the safety and efficiency of electrical systems. These systems are often large and complex, so a detailed understanding of their workings is vital. These individuals will also be responsible for routine safety inspections and repairing or replacing faulty components.


A construction electrician will work alongside other individuals on construction sites, installing electrical systems and ensuring that they meet appropriate safety protocols. They will need to communicate with other construction workers to complete projects on time and to the required standard.


In the modern world, our vehicles rely on a number of electrical systems to function. From time to time, they will go wrong. When this happens, they will often require the attention of an automotive electrician. These individuals will be able to work on any aspect of a vehicle that uses electronics, such as lighting, ignition systems, fuel injection systems and air conditioning.


A highway electrician would work with electrical systems relating to road infrastructure. This could mean, for example, traffic cameras, street lighting systems or traffic lights.


Marine electricians will have in-depth knowledge of electricals in relation to marine technology. This could be in the maintenance of wiring and systems on boats, submarines or any other marine craft.


Individuals who work as aviation electricians are highly specialized. This is required so that they can work to ensure the safety and maintenance of aircraft.

How to Train as an Electrician

If you are considering a career as an electrician, then there are some steps that you would need to follow.

High School Diploma

You will need to obtain your high school diploma before you can begin your training. This is because working as an electrician is a highly technical job. It is important to ensure that you hold the relevant level of education before you begin.

Trade School

Trade and technical schools aren’t a requirement when it comes to training to be an electrician, but it can be a beneficial option for those who want to gain academic training alongside a work placement. A trade or technical school offers you the chance to obtain formal education, as well as the possibility of substituting some of your classroom hours for on-the-job training. Most people will find that a year of formal education is the equivalent of 1,000 hours of work experience. This means that you will have the potential to enter the job market at a more experienced level, progressing through your career more quickly than those who have chosen other entry routes.


Even if you choose to go to trade school, you will need to complete an apprenticeship program before you can become a certified electrician. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as through a trade school, via a trade union or a non-union route. Before beginning an apprenticeship, many contractors will require you to complete a simple aptitude test. This is to ensure that you meet the minimum standard required to be able to do what is required. There is also likely to be an interview and physical tests, as well as a drug screening.

Trade School Apprenticeship

Most trade schools will offer apprenticeships and job placements as part of their courses.

Union Apprenticeship

With offices located in almost every major city across the United States, the electrical training ALLIANCE is able to place you with union-registered contractors. Often, this will include being able to complete classroom and lab-based assignments at their facilities. Note: Union apprenticeships will require you to be a part of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The Independent Electrical Contractors and the Associated Builders and Contractors are both able to place individuals with non-union contractors to train new electricians.

Licensing or Certification

Not every state will require licencing, but many do. It is a good idea to check what the exact requirements are for your state. If your state requires electricians to be licenced, then you will need to pass an exam called the National Electric Code. This is designed to ensure that you are up-to-date with current code requirements and safety protocols, as well as electrical concepts.

How Does Electrician Licencing Work?

The exact licencing requirements for electricians will vary, but every state will have rules and regulations relating to who is able to work as an electrician. It is important to check the rules for the state you wish to work in. Some of them will have state-level licencing procedures. Others will give licencing responsibility to city or county officials. It is possible that you will need to obtain separate licenses if you wish to work in different states. Some states have similar licencing requirements, which mean that they are able to offer reciprocal agreements. Once you have obtained your licence, it will have an expiry date. This is usually every one or two years. Part of the renewal process will be the need to provide proof of continuing education. This ensures that you are up-to-date with changes in codes, regulations and practices.

What Will You Need?

In order to obtain a licence, it is likely that your state will require some or all of the following:

Proof of experience – This is usually through an apprenticeship program Application fee – Most licences will have a fee of some kind Employment record – Some states will require you to have completed a set number of working hours. This may be as part of an apprenticeship. Verification of licensure – This is only applicable for those who are already licenced in other states. Liability insurance – You will need to provide proof that you hold the correct insurances Photo

What Skills Do Electricians Need?

There are many skills an electrician will need in order to safely and effectively do their job. These skills can be split into three main categories: technical skills, physical skills and soft skills.

Technical Skills

Technical skills relate to the abilities and knowledge you will need to perform your job. This can sometimes refer to specialized training and expertise.

Knowledge of Electrical Codes

It is a requirement for you to understand the electrical code requirements for your state. This means that you are able to work to the correct standard.

Knowledge of Safety Standards, Policies and Procedures

By understanding safety standards, policies and procedures, you are able to work safely and in a way that means that the final result adheres to appropriate safety regulations. It also means that you are able to ensure your own safety while working with potentially dangerous electrical components.

Diagnostic Skills

You will often need to correctly understand and diagnose a problem before it can be fixed. It is important for you to be highly skilled in diagnostics, as this helps to ensure that unnecessary work isn’t carried out and issues can be resolved as quickly as possible.

Use of Power Tools

Almost everything you will do requires the use of tools of some kind. This means that you need to be able to use a variety of power tools and other equipment to do your job.

Physical Skills

Physical skills is a term used to describe any physical requirement a job might have on a person.

Color Vision

This might seem like a strange skill to need, but you must be able to see the correct colors to safely do your job. Because wires are often color-coded, being color blind could potentially lead to dangerous or deadly mistakes.


Many electrical jobs won’t be a quick fix. This means that you will need to be able to concentrate and maintain focus for long periods of time in a way that can be very physically demanding.


There will be times when the electrical equipment being installed or maintained is difficult to maneuver or heavy. This means that physical strength is an important factor when it comes to being an electrician.

Manual Dexterity

A large percentage of work as an electrician is highly detailed and complex. This means that manual dexterity is vital in order to ensure that work is performed to the highest possible standards.

Soft Skills

Soft skills relate to how a person works. It is a term that is often used to describe social, interpersonalization and communication skills. Some of the important soft skills for an electrician are:

Communication and Listening

Electricians will need to work with a number of people from all walks of life. They will need to listen to customers and other workers in order to understand what a problem is as well as being able to explain what needs to be done to resolve it. It is important for them to be able to listen and communicate effectively.

Written Communication

As well as verbal communication skills, you will need to have good written communication skills. You will need to be able to write reports for customers and other workers, so that they understand what has been done during a project and what else needs to be done.

Time Management

Many projects will be subject to strict time constraints. In many situations, there are a variety of construction agencies that will be working together, relying on one another to complete projects. Because of this, it is vital for you to be able to accurately estimate how long a task will take you to complete and then successfully manage your time to complete the task on schedule.

Negotiation Skills

When working with customers or other workers, it may be necessary to negotiate rates, time constraints or any number of other factors. This is why negotiation skills are an important quality for an electrician.

Final Thoughts

If you are considering a career as an electrician, it is important to know the appropriate steps you will need to take before becoming fully qualified. Those pursuing this industry will often find that it can be financially rewarding, as well as an interesting and varied career path.