Going a step ahead from digital training, businesses need digital training content personalized to their specific needs. Opting for custom training content means having the ability to customize your training for different departments or employees. This gives you the option to pick topics based on specific organizational needs or projects or client requirements. The biggest advantage of choosing custom eLearning solutions from eLearning vendors over pre-built eLearning courses is the increase in employee productivity. In this article, we’ll be highlighting how custom training content maximizes the efficacy of employee training and makes it more productive:

Contents  hide      Focuses on company-specific skill sets:    Promises high knowledge retention and recall:    Provides distinct assessment system:    Motivates employees and increases engagement:    Reduces training time:    Allows employees to learn on-the-go:    Related posts:   Focuses on company-specific skill sets:  

A custom eLearning content is more powerful in catering to your organization specific needs as compared to any off-the-shelf online course that covers a vast range of skill sets. It is developed after an in-depth assessment of the L&D needs of your organization, with inclusion of company specific strategies and technologies. Since it focuses on company specific skills, it gives your employees the chance to learn what is most essential and filters out the rest.

Promises high knowledge retention and recall:

One of the most important objectives of training employees is the retention of information and its successful application. Since custom eLearning content is designed to incorporate company experiences by integrating real-world examples, employees are more likely to connect to it. This gives them finer knowledge of any subject leading to a better rate of knowledge retention. The chances of employees being able to recall this information later while performing their job responsibilities are also higher.

Provides distinct assessment system:

Learning without testing is pointless. It is impossible to determine the impact of training and to measure ROI without evaluating employee performance. Custom eLearning training solutions allow you to have targeted assessments that help employees focus on company-specific applications rather than generic topics. This ensures employees are learning the essential skills without wasting valuable work time. 

Motivates employees and increases engagement:

Customized training content equips employees with the necessary techniques required to be successful in the jobs. This keeps them motivated to contribute better to the company and makes them grateful for the opportunity to receive training. Customized eLearning solutions provide meaningful and targeted content through engaging mediums like videos and gamification tools, thus ensuring high engagement. It also provides the employees full control on all of these aspects making it a highly appreciated choice.

Reduces training time:

Pre-built courses require employees to consume all information regardless of their requirements, making it an unnecessary and high time-consuming activity. When companies opt for custom training content, employees get access to only the relevant parts, based on their work profiles and their specific learning needs. This cuts down training time considerably while at the same time ensuring that employees are ready for whatever challenges come their way.

Allows employees to learn on-the-go:

Having custom eLearing content allows employees to learn from anywhere at any time. Training is not restricted to the availability of trainers, training rooms or time schedules. The content can be customized to provide employees with tutorials, reference guides and other help options that make it easy to access information quickly. The ability to learn from any device also saves employees a lot of time by making learning more convenient.  Conclusion: The current industry advancements as well as future trends demand a personalized user-focused training experience. There is nothing wrong with the current pre-built eLearning solutions but having custom content allows companies to stay ahead of competition.

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