Dogs are naturally inquisitive animals. They find something of interest and they sniff away. But sometimes, those little, sensitive noses of theirs get them in trouble. They go out sniffing insects that don’t want to be sniffed.  These insects then retaliate by stinging the dogs on those sensitive noses of theirs for disturbing them from doing whatever insects do. And with the noses of dogs being the most sensitive parts of their bodies, stings on noses are always very painful. Unfortunately, the nose is not the only part that suffers only in the case of insect sting in dogs. Everywhere on their faces, ears and legs also get stung by insects.  Usually, a lot of insect stings are not dangerous. However, stings from bees, wasps, hornets, and spiders are potentially dangerous. At the very least, stings from these insects cause mild irritation. But at the worst, the stings could cost the lives of dogs. So what do you do when you notice that your dog has suffered an insect sting? Here is the first-hand aid you could give to your dog for an insect sting.

What To Do When an Insect Sting In Dogs

The first thing you should always do is to take a little time to search for the insect. If you noticed the sting early, the insect could still be close by. Usually, the way to know when your dog has been stung is that you see it pawing at its face or chewing at its foot.  You may also notice a swelling on the body. Get rid of the insect when you find it. Don’t allow your dog to get into a fight with it, this could lead to multiple stings. And if you do not find the insect after searching for a short while, pay attention to your dog. If the insect wasn’t a bee or a wasp, you may rest. It would only cause some irritation and your dog would be fine. 

What To Do When a Bee or Wasp Stings Your Dog

Remove the Stinger

Try to locate the stinger and remove it. The stinger of a bee is barbed, and that of a wasp is not entirely barbed.  Usually, the stinger still contains the venom sack that keeps pumping its content into the dog. When you want to remove the stinger, use a flat object with a dull edge.  A credit card or butter knife is perfect. Resist the urge to use a tweezer. A tweezer would remove the sting quite alright, but it would squeeze some more venom into the dog, making the pain worse. Also check: Amazing Health Benefits of Owning a Dog

Look for Signs of Allergies

Just like humans, some dogs also have allergies to insect stings. When you notice any of these allergic reactions to insect stings, take your dog straight to your vet as fast as you can. This is because some of these reactions could be life-threatening.

Severe Swelling: If there is a gigantic swelling on the face, it could make it hard for the dog to breathe. It doesn’t even matter if the dog was stung on another part of the body, swelling on the face is usually not a good sign. Difficulty in Breathing: When you notice that your dog is panting heavily or its heart is beating faster than normal, head straight to the vet. Do not waste any more time! Hives: These develop as bumps under the skin, and they look reddish around the hairless parts of the dog. Hives itch like crazy. Your dog may be rolling on the floor to reach the places its teeth and paws can’t. Excessive Drooling: This happens when the dog is finding it hard to swallow its saliva so it drools. This is usually a sign of swelling in the throat. Head to the vet. Diarrhea: The littlest vomit or stool is a bad sign. Head to the vet immediately. Dizziness: Your dog might start stumbling around, unable to maintain its balance. Don’t waste any more time. Take it to the vet. Loss of Consciousness: Well, you already know what to do: Straight to the vet!

Treating Non-Allergic Insect Bites In Dogs

If you have removed the stinger and do not notice any signs of allergies, you can do most of the treating at home. These are the steps to take to treat bee stings in dogs at home

Place Ice On the Spot of the Sting: Doing this would reduce the pain from the sting. Make sure you put the ice in a towel or place a piece of cloth in between the skin and the ice to avoid freezing the skin. Administer an Antihistamine: There are pet antihistamines. If you don’t have that but you have a human antihistamine around, consult your vet before you use it for your dog.  While some human antihistamines are not dangerous to the dog, some others are. Those that aren’t could make your dog fall ill or worsen the sting situation. That is why you should call your vet first and consult them. Don’t Let Your Dog Scratch Its Body: Wear a head cone for it if you have to. If the dog continues licking or biting the stung area, it could delay the healing process or cause an infection. Keep the Dog Fed and Hydrated: Let the dog take a lot of water. Feed it if you have to. If insect sting in dogs, inside the mouth, eating could be hard for it. So, consider giving it dry food that has been softened with water.

Also check: What Are Emotional Support Dogs?

Special Cases of Bee Stings

There are special cases that you need to pay some extra attention to.

Several Stings

Wasps are especially guilty of this. They can sting multiple times within a few seconds. Or your dog may have been exposed to a hive where a lot of insects have stung it.  In this case, just head to the vet. Multiple stings mean more venom is being pumped into the dog. Get to the vet as soon as possible.

Sting Inside the Mouth

Bees can sting your dog in its mouth or down in its throat. This happens when the dog is trying to fend off the attack with its teeth. A visit to the vet is also necessary in this case.

Killer Bees

Killer bees are usually more aggressive than honeybees. They get agitated at the slightest sign of disturbance and they can keep chasing their victim for a very long time.  If it is a swarm of killer bees, don’t interrupt them. Doing this would cause their wrath to befall their unlucky disturber. They are called killer bees for a reason. Call your beekeeper to help you get the dog and take the dog straight to the vet. Do. Not. Delay.


The instructions here would help you save the life of your dog. But in case you want to get proactive and prevent insect sting in dogs, from happening at all or again, you can completely get rid of these insects around you and your pet. 

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