It has been part of the medical school admissions process for over 90 years and is sat by 85,000 students per year. The MCAT is a standardized test issued by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). It consists of 230 multiple-choice questions. The MCAT comes in four sections: This test assesses your readiness for medical school, and it is designed to be challenging. The three assessment areas test your physical and biological science knowledge, verbal reasoning and your writing skills. For more on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) see our dedicated article. As someone who has a passion for becoming a medical professional, you should already be taking the relevant courses and classes such as biology, anatomy and physics. This means that, ideally, you will already have a knowledge base to help you answer the MCAT questions. The point of a prep course is to help you become familiar with the test process, timing and wording of the questions. The cost of these courses varies from free to $10,000, so you need to make sure you are investing in the right one. Before making your decision, consider:

Your learning needs – Do you feel that you would benefit from 1:1 tutoring, with constant feedback and support? Do you want a personalized course where you have the time and the freedom to get the help you need? Or would you benefit from a self-paced course that you fit around your schedule? Your location – Are you in an area that accommodates for 1:1 tutoring, or is a course that offers online tutoring better suited? The time you have available – Are you currently planning a year or more ahead or is your MCAT just around the corner? If you have time to play with, then maybe an online course – either instructor-led or self-paced – would be ideal. That way, you can learn at a more relaxed speed. Or are you in need of an immersive course, that will have you scoring top marks in five weeks? Your budget – The MCAT prep courses below vary in price – some of which are excellent value for money. Determine what factors are your non-negotiables and see which courses work within your budget.

For example, the course has to have the facility to create a schedule but to also allow you to re-watch sessions that you may have missed. Or the course needs to have the option to add on a couple of 1:1 tutoring sessions at a later date if required.

The 10 of the Best MCAT Prep Courses for 2023

If you take the 12-month package, then this course is excellent value for money. Magoosh offers 24/7 email support and access to over 380 learning videos. Each exam question comes with an explanation, and there are lectures on how to answer specific sections of the exam. Things to consider: The list of questions is not as extensive as other courses, and email replies can take around 24 hours.

The Princeton Review has helped over 100,000 students pass their MCAT first time. Its resource library holds over 500 videos, over 1,000 practice questions and 10 MCAT books. Its advanced software can track your progress and show your current performance level. This course promises to get you an MCAT score of 510+, tripling your chances of being accepted into medical school. Things to consider: This is an excellent course that ticks all the boxes, if you have the budget for it. The only negative seems to be that some people feel there are too many resources.

The Altius MCAT Prep Course is designed to inspire and motivate you to score your absolute best with over 100 hours of test prep, and regular office hours. The lessons are delivered in various ways depending on the package you choose. As well as the standard program, you can also choose to subscribe to one of two summer full-immersion programs. Altius is so confident with its course that it publishes the MCAT results of all its students. Things to consider: The Altius website is not particularly user friendly, and a bit outdated. The course details don’t confirm if you receive any books or a personalized study planner.

This is one of the most budget-friendly courses, but it is also the most basic. Flashcards and the newest AAMC materials are readily available, and the program allows you to create your own practice test. You can make it as easy or as challenging as you like, and you can choose to test yourself on specific subjects only. Things to consider: There are no video lectures and you can’t access previous lessons. This course is mainly for those who prefer to take as many practice papers as possible. The course does, however, show you your percentile rank based on your practices. This course is also not standardized with the AAMC.

This course is excellent value for money as it offers a wealth of resources, from eBooks to a personal study plan and office hour sessions. The instructors all scored in the top 99th percentile of the MCAT, and the course comes with a score increase guarantee. Things to consider: The Blueprint course is an excellent option if you are wanting a self-paced course. The only negative is that it does not come with flashcards. However, there are plenty of other resources available.

Examkrackers has provided MCAT study courses for over 20 years and has achieved excellent results. Its ’lecture – test – review’ process is designed so you retain the maximum amount of information. The course provides bi-weekly group study sessions and 115 hours of interactive-online instruction, and extensive reading material is provided. There is an option on the website for a free 15 minute MCAT coaching session. The goal of this session is to establish your learning needs and goals. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions about the course. Things to consider: The website is not user-friendly, and the course options are not that clear. However, there are options for self-paced learning, instructor-led and 1:1 tutoring, and you will get access to a library full of resources.

This course offers subscriptions for all budgets. It also has a host of free resources and questions. The resources are updated continuously and now include prep materials specifically for the 2020 test. Gold Standard offers flexibility in course options and duration and can boast that it has the most practice questions out of all the MCAT prep courses. Things to consider: The website is messy and has a lot of information, including courses from other companies. If you are someone who needs information to be easily available, then you will struggle with this website.

Kaplan offers several course options including:

DIY – Self-paced and self-led Online – With support from a team of teachers Bootcamp – 5 weeks intensive and uninterrupted program In-person – 1:1 tutoring

All courses give you access to up to 700 hours of preparation, as well as a library of resources, quizzes and practice tests. Kaplan itself is known for its test preparation courses and offers tutoring all over the country – not many other companies have this facility. The course content is designed to recognize your strengths and weaknesses so that you know what areas need more preparation. Things to consider: The Kaplan MCAT prep courses do not exceed five months, so if you plan to spend longer preparing, then you should consider another course. The fees are also quite expensive considering the subscription length.

This is the only exclusively free MCAT prep course. However, come September 2021, it will no longer be updated or maintained, so take advantage while you can. The course is created by the Khan Academy and is reviewed by the AAMC. The main focus is on teaching you about the actual subjects, rather than just how to pass the MCAT. There are 14 subject areas, including physical and chemical processes, cells, reasoning skills and biomolecules. Things to consider: First, the course is set to expire. Second, this is not a comprehensive program – there is no tutoring or varied teaching styles. It is a basic, free course. For those with little to no budget, it will provide you with some preparation, but it is best to use the Khan prep course alongside another one.

This course comes with four options: All four options come with access to an MCAT video collection and all 10 modules. The higher you upgrade, the more resources become available. Paid plans come with a study plan, and the Deluxe Pro offers access to eight mastery courses. Things to consider: There are no full practice tests and the lecture delivery methods differ from the other courses. If you are looking for a more traditional approach, with lots of practice questions, then this may not be the course for you.

Before making any final decisions, take some time to note down exactly what you want from an MCAT prep course and see which ones match your list. For some, your budget may be the biggest problem, so consider looking to see if there are any discount codes. Likewise, subscribe to the course mailing list. You may be sent an introductory offer, discount code for new subscribers or details of any sales. With the power of the internet and technology, tutoring and exam preparation is so much more accessible. But, if you do have any questions regarding a course, do contact the provider and ask all the questions you need. A financial investment is a financial investment, no matter how big or small. One final thing, most of these courses offer some kind of money-back guarantee. Before committing, double-check the terms and conditions of this offer, as well as the course cancellation terms and freeze periods.