The test measures a child’s reasoning ability against others in the same age group and grade and is often used as an entrance exam to a school’s gifted program. It may also help determine how teachers approach learning and teaching strategies. There are 14 CogAT levels, each designed to suit the age and grade of the child taking the test, with the type of question and length of test adjusted accordingly. The number given to the level roughly corresponds to the age of the students it is designed for, so level 8 is usually administered to eight-year-olds and so on. Family Membership gives you access to all the TestPrep-Online resources for the next 12 months. You will also get two separate accounts, which can be very helpful if you have two children preparing for their tests.

Verbal Quantitative Non-verbal

Unlike attainment tests such as SATS, the CogAT does not assess knowledge or measure how much has been learned at a certain stage. Instead, it requires students to use cognitive skills, such as reasoning and problem-solving, to work out the answer. This helps to give a more thorough understanding of a student’s academic aptitude. The CogAT results are used to compare students with others in their cohort and also to help identify particular strengths and weaknesses and how these can be supported or developed. As mentioned above, teachers and other school staff often use the CogAT to determine which children are eligible to join a program for gifted children. The predictive data can also highlight discrepancies between a student’s progress and their expected academic achievement.

Question Formats and Types

The CogAT is delivered in three different sections, known as batteries, each is focused on a different cognitive area and consists of three different types of questions:

Verbal Battery

1. Picture/Verbal Analogies

Students must identify how two concepts are related. These concepts may be represented by images or words depending on the age level of the test. There are 14 questions in this section and it takes around 15 minutes to complete. a) sheep b) horse c) pig d) goat There are 14 questions in this section and it takes around 14 minutes. a) running b) reading c) singing d) swimming This section is made up of 14 questions and takes around 14 minutes. Saxophone Trombone Trumpet a) Guitar b) Violin c) Clarinet d) Cello e) Piano There are 14 questions in this section and it takes around 13 minutes. This section comprises 14 questions and takes around 10 minutes. 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 a) 19 b) 20 c) 23 d) 26 e) 31 This section has 10 questions and takes around 10 minutes to complete. a) 3 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 This section includes 14 questions and takes around 10 minutes. This section has 14 questions and takes around 10 minutes. This section has 10 questions and takes around 10 minutes. Students tend to take all three batteries together but schools can choose only to administer certain batteries or to set them separately. Children will usually have about 30 to 45 minutes to complete each battery. As mentioned earlier, there are different levels of CogAT so the test your child sits will depend on their age and grade. There are also different versions of the test, known as ‘forms’, which have been released as the test is updated and modified. The most recent is Form 8. It is important to check which form your child will be taking so they can prepare accordingly.

How Is the Test Scored?

At the end of the test, the student’s raw score is calculated by adding up all their correct answers. There is no penalty for incorrect answers. The raw score is then converted to a Universal Scale Score (USS) for each battery. The USS is a normalized standard score. The student also receives a composite USS, calculated by averaging the USS scores across all three batteries. This USS is then used to calculate the student’s Standard Age Score (SAS), Age Percentile Rank and Age Stanine Score:

The SAS is a normalized age score with a maximum of 160 and a mean of 100. The Age Percentile Rank is used to compare students in the same age group and grade, so a child with a percentile score of 90 scored higher than 90% of other students at their level. The Age Stanine Score is a more simplified nine-point scale, with 9 the highest and 1 the lowest.

These scores are all used to determine the student’s score profile, which gives a more comprehensive view of how the child performed overall in the CogAT test, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. The score needed to qualify for a gifted program varies from state to state. In general, a student who scores in the top 3% and above, based on national averages, is likely to gain a place on most programs.

CogAT Prep: How to Do Well

The CogAT assesses cognitive ability and reasoning skills, so students cannot study for it as they would for other types of tests. However, the following tips should help your child to feel as prepared as possible: You should ask:

Whether the test will be taken online or on paper Which form and level your child will be taking Whether they will take all three batteries together

Websites such as Test Prep Online and Testing Mom have a range of sample questions for all levels. When practicing with your child, try to follow your school’s procedure as closely as possible. Remember to take breaks when your child needs them, ideally between each of the three batteries. Look for educational games that focus on similar areas to the CogAT, such as reasoning, classification and number puzzles. You may also find opportunities to put these skills into practice through day-to-day activities such as baking or playing with toys. Reading with your child is also hugely valuable in developing listening and comprehension skills and exposing your child to new vocabulary and concepts – all of which will support your child in performing their best in the CogAT. The test may seem daunting for those who have not tried these kinds of questions before, but with practice, your child will learn how to apply their reasoning and logic with ease. Proper rest, nutrition and exercise are also vital when it comes to performing well in any test, and it is always important not to place undue pressure on your child. By keeping practice sessions fun and focused, your child should feel calm, confident and ready to do their very best in the CogAT.