Vet bills can be unexpected and astronomical, and without appropriate insurance, you could be facing hefty out-of-pocket costs that could mean making a tough decision. Cat insurance is a simple way to ensure that if the worst should happen, you can get the best care for your cat, whether they are ill or injured in an accident. Designed to cover the cost of unexpected vet treatments and sometimes funding more routine care, cat insurance is usually composed of simple monthly or annual payments that provide cover up to a specific amount of care. Part of the cost will be covered by you as the owner, depending on the level of deductible or excess that you pay for a claim and whether you will pay a percentage of the remaining charges.

Best Cat Insurance Companies in the US

With almost all of the policies listed in this article, the monthly premium will depend on the selections you make regarding deductibles, co-payments and reimbursement, as well as your zip code/postal code and the age and type of cat you have. Using a vet in the network, you will have instant access to discounts on all in-house medical services.

Cover Options and Fees

As this is not an insurance policy, there are no exclusions to cover other than specialist care that is not provided by an in-network vet. The plan includes:

Routine care and vaccinations Spaying or neutering Dental Surgical Parasite screening Cancer care

Non-medical procedures and prescription medication are not covered. Pricing starts at $10 per month per pet, with no deductibles – the plan allows for discounts at the point of use.

Annual Limit

There is no limit to the number of claims that can be made using this service.

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

This service is best for owners who might struggle to get more traditional pet insurance elsewhere.

Claims are simple to submit online, by phone and even via fax. Reimbursement of costs can be made directly into your bank account or sent through the post.

Cover Options and Fees

There are two levels of coverage available: Accident-Only and Complete Coverage. The Complete Coverage plan covers accidents, illnesses, hereditary conditions and behavioral issues, while the accident-only plan covers injuries. Deductibles are set at three levels: $100, $250 or $500. Reimbursement levels are 70%, 80% or 90%. There is a wellness policy available, which allows for preventative care, including wellness visits, vaccinations and dental coverage at either $9.95 for $250 a year, or $24.05 a month for $450 annual coverage. This is only available as an add-on to a policy.

Annual Limit

Depending on the coverage you need, you can choose an annual limit between $3,000 and $15,000.

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

With a 10% discount for each additional pet insured, this is a great option for a multi-pet household.

99% of all claims are processed within two days, thanks to the simple online claims process, and coverage is designed to be straightforward.

Cover Options and Fees

The accident and illness plan from Healthy Paws covers:

Illness Accidents Hereditary conditions Diagnostics like blood tests and x-rays Prescription medications Alternative treatments Dental trauma Chronic conditions Emergency care Specialty care

There is no coverage for pre-existing care, and examination fees are not covered either. Preventative care (routine appointments, vaccines and neutering or spaying) is also not included. You can choose your deductible from $100, $250 and $500, with reimbursements available at 70%, 80% and 90%.

Annual limit

There are no annual limits for payouts with a Healthy Paws cat insurance policy.

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

This cat insurance is best for pet owners who just want simple and straightforward insurance without all the ‘bells and whistles.’

Cover Options and Fees

There are two types of policy available – accident-only, and accident and illness. The accident and illness coverage includes:

Chronic conditions Genetic conditions Alternative therapies Diagnostic services like x-rays, CTs and blood tests Cancer care Hospitalization and surgery General, specialist and emergency care

There is no coverage available for pre-existing conditions or for animals that are used for breeding. Deductibles for Embrace coverage start at $200, and cat owners can get 90% reimbursement for covered conditions. There is a wellness add-on that includes routine appointments, grooming, flea treatments, vaccinations, training classes, spaying and neutering, as well as cremation or burial, which can have an annual limit of $250 to $650.

Annual Limit

Although not unlimited like some plans, the $30,000 annual limit is higher than most and should cover a cat owner’s needs without too much worry.

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

Embrace is suitable for a cat owner who wants an impressive amount of coverage with customizable payment options.

Cover Options and Fees

There are two options available: a customizable accident and illness plan and a flat-rate accident-only plan. There are three tiers of cover in the accident and illness plan:

Essential – Cancer care, hereditary conditions, accidents, illnesses, emergency care, surgery and prescription medications Plus – As above, with the addition of coverage for exam fees Elite – Same coverage as Essential and Plus, with alternative therapies like chiropractic care and acupuncture

This can be customized with a deductible from $50 to $1,000 and reimbursement of 70%, 80% and 90%. The flat-rate accident-only plan is set with a $250 deductible, 90% reimbursement, and costs just $6 a month for cats. There are also two levels of wellness add-ons that you can choose to cover routine care.

Essential – Pays up to a specified limit for examinations, vaccinations, microchipping, flea treatment and worming Best – Pays slightly more for the above routine treatments and also covers spaying, neutering and teeth cleaning

None of the policies above cover pre-existing conditions, breeding animals, behavioral issues or any boarding.

Annual Limit

The annual limits for the accident and illness coverage are from $5,000 to unlimited. For the accident-only plans, the annual limit is $10,000.

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

For cat owners who are prepared to work through complicated policies to get the best deals.

Cover Options and Fees

There are four levels of coverage for accident and illness that are available for cats, and although there is limited customization available, each plan has the same coverage options. Coverage includes:

Examinations Diagnostic services Rehabilitation services Hereditary and congenital conditions Hospitalization and surgery Prescription medications Therapeutic food (50% discount, up to $100 a year) Alternative therapies (up to $1,000 a year)

The Extra plan can have a deductible of $150 or $250, which is the entry-level plan. The most expensive plan has a deductible that you can choose, from $100 to $1,000. There is also an add-on available to cover routine care, like wellness visits, spaying and neutering, some vaccinations and microchipping. The 24PetWatch plans also cover some personal expenses like boarding, trip cancellations and lost pet recovery, with euthanasia and cremation as well as accidental death. There is no coverage for pre-existing conditions or for cats used for breeding.

Annual Limit

Each plan level offers different annual limits of coverage:

Extra – Up to $3,000 a year Classic – $5,000 Super – $10,000 Champion – $20,000

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

This insurer is most suitable for a cat owner who wants the maximum amount of coverage, including personal expenses, with a simple plan.

Cover Options and Fees

There are six policies available, all covering the same conditions with different annual limits. Each one is a lifetime policy. Coverage includes:

Vet fees Behavioral treatments Dental issues due to illness or injury Complementary treatments Loss of a pet through theft or straying, or death through illness or accident

It doesn’t cover routine care, pre-existing conditions, anything breeding-related or euthanasia. The policy you choose will depend on the amount of excess and total annual coverage you are looking for. With excess available between £0 to £250, you can also choose a 20% co-payment option at the time of treatment to reduce the monthly premium.

Annual Limit

Each plan has a different annual limit that resets each year, so you can choose coverage between £1,000 and £10,000.

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

This insurance is best suited for cat owners who are looking for straightforward coverage without add-ons and with extensive support from vets on the phone.

Cover Options and Fees

There are two types of policy available, either lifetime or time-limited:

Essential – Time-limited, £75 excess. Pays up to the annual limit per condition for 12 months Classic – Lifetime policy, £95 excess. Covers most vet services up to the annual limit Classic+ – Lifetime, £95 excess. Coverage is available for most vet services, including complementary treatments and missing pets, as well as the death of a pet Ultimate – Lifetime plan, with a £95 excess. Includes coverage for most vet treatments, as well as offering access to a legal helpline

Annual Limit

The annual limits for each plan are as below:

Essential – £3,000 per condition for 12 months Classic – £4,000 Classic+ – £7,000 Ultimate – £12,000

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

Petplan insurance is suitable for cat owners who want the benefit of using a well-known insurer, with the knowledge that they may not have to make a claim themselves.

Cover Options and Fees

When considering what is covered by Bought by Many insurance for your cat, it is probably easier to look at what isn’t included, namely, just routine or preventative care. Some plans do not offer coverage for pregnancy complications, and there is only one available plan suitable for cats with pre-existing conditions.

Value – Excess of £69 or £99 Pre-Existing – Excess is set at £99, but this also covers pregnancy complications, as well as pre-existing conditions (with certain exclusions) Regular – Choose an excess between zero and £99, with all the coverage you need including for pregnancy complications Complete – Excess either £69 or £99, with extra coverage for overseas travel, pet-minding and recovery of lost or stolen cats

Annual limit

Value – £3,000 per year Pre-Existing – £7,000 per year, with £500 towards pre-existing conditions in the first year, and £1,000 in the second year Regular – £7,000 Complete – £15,000

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

This insurance is perfect for breeders or for pets with pre-existing conditions, as long as they meet the criteria.

Cover Options and Fees

There are seven plans available with More Than, and the covered conditions are broadly similar in each. None of the plans cover pre-existing conditions or routine care, and they also do not provide cover for breeding more than two litters. For all plans, the excess is set at £100, with an optional co-payment of 10% or 20%, which will reduce the premiums. The Premier plan has the most coverage, including complementary treatment, dental, death from illness or injury, cremation or burial, and personal costs like trip cancellation and emergency boarding. The Classic plan offers the same as the Premier plan, except cremation and burial is an optional extra. The Basic plan covers some costs towards complementary treatments, dental and death through illness or injury. However, euthanasia, cremation, loss or theft and any personal expenses are optional extras.

Annual Limit

Basic – £1,500 or £3,000 per year Classic – £4,000 or £8,000 per year Premier – £4,000, with a condition limit of £1,000 per year, or £12,000 with a condition limit of £4,000 per year

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

More Than insurance is best suited to multiple pet households because of the discounts available.

Cover Options and Fees

All policies are lifetime and exclude cats that have had more than two litters in their lifetime and pre-existing conditions. Each policy also includes a set amount of annual payment available for certain treatments. For Bronze, Silver and Gold policies, the excess starts at £60 and covers payments towards normal vet treatment, as well as complementary treatments, dental trauma, special diets, death from injury or illness, boarding fees, loss or theft, advertising and rewards, boarding fees and holiday cancellations. There is an optional 30% co-payment available for pets up to the age of six, which brings down the monthly premium cost.

Annual Limit

Bronze – £1,000 to £5,000 Silver – £6,000 to £10,000 Gold – £11,000 to £15,000

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

Cat owners with more than one pet, or owners who want to be able to call a vet for advice rather than attending the surgery.

Cover Options and Fees

Silver – Time-limited to 12 months, with coverage available up to stated limits for dental, hereditary and congenital conditions, euthanasia, complementary therapies, loss or theft, and up to three months of cover abroad Gold, Platinum and Diamond – Lifetime plans include prescription food as well as payments towards all the conditions listed above, and coverage of pre-existing conditions as long as the cat has been asymptomatic for 24 months and not needed any vet care

All plans have a set excess of £90. For cats aged four and up, there is a 10% co-payment, which increases to 20% when the cat reaches the age of six. There is no coverage available for pets over the age of eight when the policy starts.

Annual Limit

Silver – Up to £2,000 for 12 months Gold – £4,000 Platinum – £6,000 Diamond – £10,000

What Pet/Pet Owner This May Suit Best

This is the best choice for owners who have a cat with pre-existing conditions.

Considering that average vet bills for a pet cat are second only to dogs, insurance could be, literally, a lifesaver. There is no legal requirement to have cat insurance, but as a responsible pet owner, it’s worth being sure that you can afford to look after your furry friend. Everything from food to behavioral training and unexpected bills are all part of the package with a cat. While a monthly or annual payment might seem like an unnecessary expense, investing in the right cat insurance offers peace of mind that could be considered priceless. However, insurance isn’t the only way to get this type of coverage. You might have savings that you can use or you could put away a set amount each month to cover unexpected costs. There are several types of pet insurance available, and different policies are more suitable for different households and budgets.

Accident-only – Often the standard option, this is a low-cost option that covers emergency treatment for injuries. Some accident-only policies will also include some cover if your cat needs ongoing treatment following an accident. Time-limited – Usually 12 months, this type of insurance allows you to claim multiple times over a set period – but you must pay for further treatment once the time has ended Maximum Benefit – With this policy, there is a specified limit that you can claim back, and you must pay for any further treatment once the limit has passed Lifetime – This is the most comprehensive type of insurance. With lifetime cover, you can claim for any new condition (up to a set amount), and the limit resets every year.

In some cases, insurance can be a better choice if ongoing costs begin to rise. Relying on one simple monthly payment to cover your cat’s health needs leaves your savings for other emergencies.

What Does Cat Insurance Cover?

Not all insurance policies are created equal. In fact, although there are major similarities regarding what is not covered, the specifics about injuries and illnesses that can be paid out are not always the same, so be sure to check the individual policy. The usual coverage options on an accident and injury policy include:

Emergency treatment Congenital and hereditary diseases Dental trauma Cancer care Alternative therapies like hydrotherapy, acupuncture and chiropractic treatment Diagnostics, like blood tests and x-rays Euthanasia

Coverage does not usually include:

Care for pre-existing conditions Older cats (some policies are not available for older cats) Preventative procedures and routine care like vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and wellness visits (these are sometimes available as an add-on at extra cost) Dental treatment (other than injury-related) Burial or cremation

Key Things to Consider When Choosing Insurance for Your Cat

There are several things that you should consider when you are looking for the right cat insurance. While it might seem like the most important factor is the monthly cost, it is worth remembering that cheap doesn’t always mean good.

Level of Cover

The highest level of cover will usually have the largest annual limits, provide the most’ extras’ and therefore be pricier in terms of premiums. If you have a pedigree cat or one that is predisposed to certain conditions, this might be the best type of cover for you. Of course, the level of cover that you need for your pet depends entirely on your personal circumstances.

Out-of-Pocket Costs

Every cat insurance policy will have a premium which can be paid monthly or annually to provide a set amount of cover. There are ways that you can make this monthly cost cheaper by adding other out-of-pocket costs to the bill at the time of treatment. Some insurance policies have this built in as a set excess or deductible, while other policies might allow you to choose your own level of payment. Co-payments are set as a percentage of the cost, and these can reduce the monthly premiums too. You can expect to have a fixed copay for most insurance policies for older cats. Almost every insurance company requires you to pay for the fees upfront and reimburses you according to their own payout rules.

Ease of Claim

An insurance policy is only as good as the payout – so look for a policy that allows online claims and processes them quickly. For some in-network vets and with some companies, the vet can put in the claim and get paid directly from the insurance company, so you only need to pay the required out-of-pocket expenses. Telephone claims are usually quite quick, but postal claims can be a lengthy process and include lots of form-filling.

Your Cat

The cost of your policy, including excess, co-payment and reimbursement percentages, are based on the ‘risk’ level of your cat. This means that the value, pedigree, and age of your cat are important to the insurance company and will have an impact on how much you will need to pay. It is worth remembering that almost all insurers will not cover pre-existing conditions. All these factors are important, not just the price, when making the decision on which cat insurance is best. For example, if you have a thoroughbred pedigree cat, you will probably need to spend more than if you were to insure a non-pedigree cat. Choosing a policy that is suitable for your circumstances is vital. Lifetime cover is the most comprehensive form of cat insurance. In the US, reputable cat insurance companies include Pet Assure, ASPCA and Healthy Paws. In the UK, reputable cat insurance companies include Waggel, Petplan, and Bought by Many. Lifetime policies are the most comprehensive option – this type of policy allows you to claim for any new health conditions (up to a set maximum point), and the limit resets each year. Several factors impact the cost of cat insurance, such as the insurance excess, the age, pedigree and value of your cat, and whether it has any pre-existing health issues. Having a cat insurance policy in place means that you will be able to afford to look after your pet if they become injured or unwell. If you decide against a cat insurance policy, it is wise to put some money away each month to cover any unexpected future vet bills. Most accident and injury policies cover alternative therapies, cancer care, congenital and hereditary diseases, dental trauma, diagnostics (for example, blood tests or x-rays), emergency care and euthanasia. In most cases, pre-existing conditions, preventative procedures, routine care, wellness care and dental treatment (unless injury-related) are not covered by cat insurance. It is also important to choose a policy that offers a quick and easy claims process. In the event of a pet insurance claim, you may be expected to settle any outstanding vet bills. If your claim is accepted, your insurance provider will reimburse you, usually within a two-week timeframe. The amount of reimbursement you receive will depend on the terms of your policy. Some policies will pay the vet directly, although this type of cover is likely to be more expensive. Accident and injury policies usually cover acupuncture, blood tests, cancer treatment, chiropractic care, congenital/hereditary diseases, dental trauma, emergency treatment, hydrotherapy and euthanasia. They do not usually cover preventative procedures or routine care, for example, neutering, spaying or vaccinations. Pre-existing conditions are not usually covered, and many policies are not available for older cats. Policies with third-party liability cover will pay out if somebody claims for damage or harm caused by your pet. If your cat is a pedigree breed or one that is likely to be affected by certain health issues, choosing a higher-level policy is probably the best option. You should also consider how much you could afford to pay as an excess in the event of a claim. The higher the excess, the lower your monthly or annual premium is likely to be. Consider the claims process – choosing a provider that offers telephone or online claims are likely to be more efficient than one that processes claims by post. For example, accident-only policies are likely to be the cheapest option, but they only cover your cat for emergency treatment for injuries. The standard option is accident-only cover, which only provides cover for emergency treatment when your cat is injured. Lifetime cover is the most comprehensive option – this allows you to claim for any new health conditions (up to an agreed maximum amount). This limit is reset each year. While it might be tempting to go for the cheapest monthly payments, this might not be the most appropriate option for your cat, especially if they are a pedigree, used for breeding, or suffering from pre-existing conditions. These companies are great starting points, but it is essential that you do your own research to find the best option for you and your cat.