But in order for you to be able to fully enjoy your cruise, you’ll want to make sure you’re in optimal health. There are several elements of a cruise that require a little planning and troubleshooting. Nothing major, but still things you won’t want to forget. This guide will get you up to speed with the basics. Read on for a rundown on how to make healthy choices when you’re cruising the high seas.

Getting Your Steps In

Although they do make stops along the way, cruise ships are enclosed spaces at the end of the day. Because of this, it can be easy to become inert on days you’re not exploring new cities. This can have harmful health effects. Try to set yourself a number of steps you’d like to hit each day. Use a pedometer tracker app, Apple watch, or Fitbit to make sure you hit your goals. The health benefits will be numerous!

Eating Healthy Onboard

One of the things vacationers love about cruises is the chance to eat at the many onboard restaurants each night. But when you’re doing so, you should be careful not to overindulge too much. Cruises can last months, and eating unhealthily for this amount of time is never a good idea. Instead, try eating modestly most of the time, and allowing yourself one of two days a week to treat yourself. Adopting the 80/20 approach allows you to eat well while still eating healthily.

Tackling Motion Sickness

If you suffer from motion sickness, like one in three Americans do, you may think that a cruise would be out of the question. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are tactics you can try and medications you can take to help you with that queasy feeling. Making sure to get plenty of fresh air can help with the symptoms. Book a cabin toward the front or middle of the ship on a lower level if possible. Take motion sickness medications: you’ll have to research which is better for you.

Taking Advantage of the Facilities

Most cruise ships are now equipped with gyms, saunas, and pools. You should take full advantage of the amenities onboard to stay fit and healthy. It is a vacation, so you don’t need to go every day, but once or twice a week can work wonders for your health and wellness.

Maintaining Optimal Health On Your Cruise Vacation Getaway

With minimal planning and effort, you should have no trouble at all maintaining optimal health on your cruise. This will keep you fit, but also allow you to really enjoy everything your cruise has on offer. Happy sailing, and if you’re looking for more tricks or tips, check out the rest of our content now.

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