In this post, you will learn about creativity plus the best non-technical topics for presentation. It is always interesting to give an awesome presentation on an educational subject, whether in college or school. You will learn about a new experience, and you will be widely famous after your presentation. As most here, the 5-10 minute presentation topics list is not that typical one that is presented at school and colleges. As the name suggests, these are interesting presentation topics that ultimately prove the presenters’ productive thinking and problem-solving ability.

How to Present Well?

We often lack while presenting, even though you have a great presentation ready that has all the facts and research. Here are some tips that can make your presentation Better, worthy and effective: The Internet is filled with information, research papers, facts & figures, and whatnot. However, getting that information isn’t enough. You need to arrange that properly sequence with content slides, tables, pie charts, and graphs. As I said in the above point, you can collect a huge amount of information on a certain topic, but it is important to understand what to add to your presentation and whatnot. Filter it, keep the presentation precise and on point. Finally, convert some important information regarding data into graphs and pie charts. While designing your presentation, keep in mind the topic and audience and visibility. In a corporate presentation, you can’t add funky colors with a heart background. Choose background wisely so that content is properly visible and does not distract the audience. Choose an easily readable font in an appropriate size so that people sitting at a distance can also read.

One of the common mistakes that people make is they don’t read properly before adding content, then copy-paste from the internet as they can read during the presentation. It is wrong; you should know what you are serving to your audience. Practice twice or thrice your presentation before the final one; know what you have added. This will give you an idea of what you are presenting, what is coming next. This will add confidence while presenting. Remember you aren’t reading a paper or chapter in your class; you present some topic. Keep making eye contact with your audience. This reflects that you are aware of presenting and makes your points more valid.

Once you have completed your presentation, keep a question round in the end, ask if they have any doubts and queries. This leaves a good impression.

Looking for some Interesting general topics for presentation, you about to give? We have researched the internet and made your work easier. In addition, we have chosen the best topics for general presentations for school students.

1. Movie Ratings are Not Accurate

Simple answer- different views. Different people have different views. So we can never relate to one thing. The highest-rated film is Shawshank Redemption. Even if you try to show that movie to your mom, she will not like it. Who knows, you may not have even watched the movie. So an enjoyable topic. There is a section of movie review- in English Literature.

2. Television Violence and Children.

In-country of Africa where the crime rate was low. Suddenly it spiked and went up. When people identified the reason they found that it was the same time when television was introduced in the country. So children being easily influenced can end up with violence. Data proves. Presentation topics for students like this are enough to generate awareness and educate the young audience for the better.

3. How Much is Too Much Homework?

Undoubtedly this is one of the best presentation topics for school students especially for those who want to know the reason behind the homework. Even if you are a college student or going to work somewhere- you will get homework. Basically extra work to do. So this topic is relevant for almost everyone even though we think it’s only for school and college. Too much homework is when you don’t even want to start the homework. Simple homework should be good.

4. Help the Environment by Recycling.

In our country, we need this knowledge to spread more and more. Very few people know about recycling. As the people who know are very small as the population of India is very big. Your caring nature towards the environments will definitely stand you apart from the other presentations.  Even you can make your PPT presentation unique, via including case studies and suggestions over it.

5. Smart City

Under the present Government, we see this plan of making around 20 cities the Smart City of our country. It’s innovative. It’s new. It needs a lot of young minds. Talking about different ideas on how to make an existing city into a smart city. This one going to be the best presentation topic for school students reflecting their smart ideas and imagination over the city that everyone wishes to have.

6. Do books really influence you?

When successful people say that you must read more books to become successful. Not all books influence you. Your Math or History book may not influence you. But an economics book may influence you. So the more books you discover the better chance of you finding your ideal book.

7. How to Set Goals and Achieve Them?

You may think I am not an expert myself. How can I tell others? Exactly. So tell yourself before the presentation how many days you can set goals and achieve them. And write about your experiences daily and share them in dairy format. Prepare the list of 5 minutes presentation topics, and present to help college and school students who actually need such the right direction at the right time.

8. Dealing With Adolescent Depression.

Very few people realize this. Adolescents, you know kids around 10-19, tend to get depressed. People simply say do not get depressed but you can’t know. Unless you are there. This topic will definitely give you an appreciation from your reviewers, that you analyze and present ideas over the common issues that no one thinks about. Your time spending on making a 5-minute presentation can save and cure someone who is in the same situation.

9. Robots V/s Humans

Not just like Chitti the Robot. Many people in the past decade have lost jobs because they were replaced by machines. And now many more jobs are going to be replaced. So robots vs humans prevail. You can show a comparison in your presentation. Try to make your presentation more convincing and creative enough that whoever interacts with it, understands with ease.

10. Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults?

Juveniles are criminals who are minors. So they have fewer punishments and fines. So one group of people say this is right or else they will be scarred for their entire life. Others say, no, crime is a crime whether done by an adult or child. There must be the same and strict punishment. If not, the influential kids will easily escape the punishment.

11. Age Discrimination in the Workplace.

No need to say more. All of us have experienced it. People see the experience rather than talent. Choose this general presentation topic and slam all the naysayers that one must respect elders. But you must not become a slave for them. Present your idea over age is just a number, all matters are to have the expertise to accomplish the tasks.

12. Advantages of the Traditional Nuclear Family

A nuclear family is a couple and their dependent kids. You can tell them different advantages. Show them a few examples as to how the family can be efficient in this modern time also. This presentation topic may go to some emotional stage perhaps, but worth a try to leave another side of your personality that no one knows.

13. Parental Pressure on Child Actors and Athletes

A very different topic. Only the child actors and athletes will know. But everybody would like to know about it.  The main point is that with increasing fans and paparazzi- it can become very dangerous. See the handsome boy of Home Alone and how he turned to be now. So Parents need to support them in pursuing their passion and even a kid’s life.

14. Criticism – is it good or bad?

Everyone will criticize.  If you take this as your topic, you too will get critics at the end of your presentation. So is it good, only if they do not hate you personally or are jealous of you, right? So criticism is not something we need. But it’s something we always get. Most of the critics are good except for a few who just are the greatest negative people in the world. Also Read: 8 Tips to make your Powerpoint Presentation look Professional

15. Technology Help us or Make us Helpless

It’s two sides of the coin. It’s difficult to understand. Technology is like a bad master-good servant thing. It can help us but if we cross the limit. It can be dangerous. So make a presentation on the faint line between the two. Of course, you can share the difference between life quality before and after technology advancements to prove your point right.

16. Think Life Without Eyes

Means Blind. I have once done this program in school where they make us blind by covering our eyes. And things happened. I got hit multiple times and I didn’t complete the challenge. You can do a live demonstration at your presentations. It will pop everyone’s eyes out. The presentation on sensitive topics like these will definitely inform others, about their social responsibility. These interesting presentation topics are quite eye-opening to society and need to present to a larger audience.

17. Are we Happier than the previous generations?

This is a famous topic. Are we happy with all this technological advancement or are we just becoming miserable? Reports show Depression increasing. So we are not exactly fully happy. Yet we want to believe in that truth. This is one side of it. Present both sides and let the audience choose the answer. This one can be a part of fun topics for presentations, that leave a positive note discussing what we are missing in our life?

18. A World Without Soldier & Weapons/ War

We may think of a peaceful world, right? The only problem is people must also be so. It will be interesting to imagine. Let us think how it was before early man didn’t create weapons. It will be peaceful. Yet we are not sure as to how this will happen. Present your ideas over the national borders and what will be there when there were no lines of separations? Also, what are the cause to make borders a requirement in our generation?

19. Is global warming only a myth?

A title may be misleading. But we know the truth. Such titles are there to get the audience’s attention. Then we can talk about what a normal citizen can do to save the world from Global warming. There are many things. Indeed, the best topic for presentation. But you have to be prepared with your own research and depth knowledge before sharing your thoughts. For that, you can research some online-offline latest news, articles on climate changes like this one from CBS News.

20. How to Reach Your Personal Goals.

Everyone loves this topic. And the only way to reach our goal is if you really like it. If you love to keep your body in your best shape. You just need to have a serious reason. Certainly, this is one of the best general topics for presentation, But it is worth a try for leaving a decent impression.

21. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Very shameful of those people. This is an eye-opening topic that people will immediately want to hear about how to solve this problem. Not just being brave against such people. But bringing a very strict law against those. You can find a bunch of social awareness presentation topics for college students like this one, and present to those who are about to become the corporate culture in the nearest future.

22. Does religion actually divide us?

Whoa! Kinda yes. Indeed, a controversial topic to present your ideas upon. We see it in our country. People don’t realize that deep down they are just humans. You can present about what happened in the past and what is the future of all these things.

23. Power of Media in Today’s World

Media has always been an important part, from distributing information to creating agendas and uncovering various truths. We can’t deny how powerful it is. Media holds a lot of power and with technological advancement, media has become more powerful – from small media startups and digital newspapers on social media to big media houses on television. You can surely prepare a great presentation on this topic.

24. Pros and Cons of Rising of Social Media

Just like two sides of a coin, the rise of social media has its pros and cons. Social media can create awareness, rumors, make someone’s identity, or destroy the same. It is like a sharp knife that is not visible but can simply act. You can make your presentation one-sided or a detailed one with both pros and cons about the rise of social media.

25. Post-Covid Effects on Economic Growth

We already discussed the sufferings, damages during covid-19, research on vaccines and medications. As we had already overcome covid and left with traces, the world is now focusing on the after. Do they match with the forecasts various economists made? There are very different views on this. Also, See the primary article of 200+ Trending Presentation Topics for Students

Lists of presentation topics for General presentation. 

Finding topics for general issues is more difficult than finding topics for a specific subject. If you are looking for general topic ideas for your next presentation, then our next list is for you. Here we are sharing the updated presentation topics that are of course trending and make the best options to present as part of your school, college project work. 

5-minute Presentation Topics

The sole purpose of the presentation is to explain your views as simplest, as you could. It’s not recommended to stretch the topics unnecessarily, The longer presentation does not always mean the well-researched one Sometimes it may look stuffed with irrelevant or unstructured information and may bore your audience, too. So if you want to make your presentation shorter like 5 minutes or less, then the next list is for you. If you’re looking for the topics that answer the particular question directly, then these are the topics that you need. 

Current topic for presentation

Knowledge of current affairs is an absolute requirement for any professional studies or jobs, since it proves your ability to stay up-to-date with the latest news. This list is perfect for those who plan to speak on current topics or recent events around the world. Here you will find some of the trending and latest presentation topics to share your ideas or prepare a case study on. Doing so, you will not only make your presentation refreshing only, but you also present the facts that most have no idea about.

Final thoughts

So these are some of the best general topics for presentation, are certainly is not the usual topics that most of your classmates are preparing on. Due to the new subject and creative aspects, you can make your presentation stand out. Don’t forget a successful presentation is not only about what you present. But also on How you present your ideas? So All the best and Be ready with these interesting presentation topics for your school and college assignments. Hope this will be helpful for your cool presentation. 👍 Share this post with your friends and compete with them. Do you have any ideas to share regarding interesting topics for general presentations? Then let us know in the comment section below.

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